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November 10, 2008


Korean user

Thank you for tip.
This lisp can't convert circle (and arc) to PAT file. Is it possible?
(p.s I'm so sorry. I'm a fool of English.)


For those of you like me who aren't ACAD savy

1. open up a blank autocad drawing
2. set the snaps and grids to 0.01 units
3. draw a square 1 unit by 1 unit
4. draw your pattern snapping to the .01 unit grid with only normal lines. no circles, ellipses etc.
5. Your fill will repeat at the top and side ends so if it is a repeating pattern make sure it lines up
6. load in the attached lsp file by typing APPLOAD into the command prompt
7. browse to where the lsp file is located.
8. Click OK
9. Erase the square you drew
11. follow the prompts

Lanny Schiele

When i have time, I'm working on a .NET version of HatchMaker that works directly within Revit. - Lanny

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