10 quick tips to utilize in the conceptual mass workspace. Here they are in no particular order:
1. Spacebar Toggle Coordinates
When selecting an object on a form, you can use the spacebar to toggle the coordinates between the object and the model orientation.
2. Reference Lines versus Lines
When forms created from lines are deleted, the original lines are deleted as well. When forms created from reference lines are deleted, the reference lines remain to easily recreate the form.
3. Background Color
Under “View Properties”, “Graphic Display Options” you can specify the gradient background on or off as well as adjusting the colors if needed.
4. Remove Divided Surface
After the divide surface tool is utilized, you can later remove the divided surface if needed simply by highlighting it and choosing the “Delete” tool.
5. Enable 3D Snapping
To easily snap between points in 3D, after selecting the line or reference line tool a “3D Snapping” setting will become active on the Options Bar.
6. Rehost a Reference Point
When a reference point is highlighted, a “Rehost Point” tool will appear on the ribbon. By selecting the tool, you can easily host the point to another location.
7. Create a Sphere
Draw the line for rotation, draw the arc as needed, then “Create Form”. Afterwards in the "Element Properties" of the sphere, you can adjust the “Start Angle” and “End Angle” between 0 and 360 degrees.
8. Create a Plane with Adjustable Height
Reference lines allow for creation of planes with “Positive” and “Negative” offsets in "Element Properties". Simply draw a reference line, “Create Form”, and open "Element Properties” to adjust offset value.
9. Mass Transparency
In the Conceptual Mass family or project, you can adjust the transparency of the mass objects. Edit Materials, and locate the “Default Form” material. You can slide the transparency as needed; the default is 0 % in the family environment but 70% in the project environment.
10. Parameters for Divided Surface
After dividing a surface, open the "Instance Properties" for the object. You can associate a parameter to the values if you would like to utilize formulas or create numerous family types with multiple values in “Types”.