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February 15, 2010


Chris Needham

In my experience, the thumbnail-file-locking issue has not been confined to older files (unless 'older' files include those only one version old). I had the trouble several times with brand new families started from RAC2009 family templates (Vista, 32bit). While it's good that you guys are acknoledging the issue, many of the users who've experienced this problem just want the issue addressed, and the general 'understanding' is that the RevitFilePreview.dll is not working as it should.

Disabling thumbnail displays for Revit is merely a stop-gap and anything more than that would be totally unacceptable (after all, distinguishing content visually is an important part of selecting families, since we don't have a library filter tool yet).

For now, I'll be implementing your preventative therapy (regen thumbnail option) and let you know if I still experience the same problem.


I guess I wonder why there is an option to NOT have up to date previews in the first place? I suspect this is some hold over from years ago and slower machines, and the default was set to make Revit viable on low end machines? Perhaps that check box can go away, or at the very minimum the default is Checked? But given the hardware required for running Revit, it would seem that the hard wired behavior could be to update the preview no matter what, and performance would not take a hit.



I just spent all afternoon discovering this problem! It also happened with some old AutoCAD files.
I looked in my Revit/Program folder on 2010 64 bit and there is a file called 'Revit.Preview.2010.dll'.
Should this be disabled?

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