I want to explain the default behavior for referencing sheet parameters in relation to default sort order. Then we can discuss how this functions in a dependent view condition.
First Sort Order…
By default Revit will sort alphanumeric sheet numbers in the Project Browser by the following example format:
0, 0A, 1, 1A, 1B, 1C, 2, 3, 4, A0, A1, A2, A, B1, B2, B3, B, C…
Keep in mind this may not represent the order they appear in the Project Browser or the Drawing List if browser organization or sorting parameters have been applied.
Next General referencing sheet behavior…
For a view tag which appears on more than 1 sheet Revit will back reference sheet numbers to the first view as it appears in the drawing sheet order.
So if the same view tag appears on sheets A101, A302 and A501 it will list A101 as the default Element Properties > Referencing Sheet parameter, as this sheet would appear first based on the sort order above.
Because by default dependent views show tags in both views by default, unless the tag is hidden in one of the 2 views it will list the Referencing Sheet parameter as the sheet which appears first in the default sort order.
You can hide the tag in one of the views in order to change the referencing sheet parameter to the other sheet. The workflow can vary based on whether the views have been added to a sheet so I have included 2 scenarios below. Keep in mind these examples assume the tag only appears on the primary and dependent view. Should the tag appear on a number of other views the tag would have to be hidden in those views as well.
1. Tag added in dependent view; dependent & primary view not yet added to sheet
You add a tag in the dependent view before the view is placed on a sheet. You then hide the tag in the primary view by highlighting the tag > right-click, Hide in View > Elements. The tag now only displays in the dependent view.
The dependent and primary views are placed on sheets; the tag should then show the sheet containing the dependent view and visible tag as the referencing sheet parameter.
2. Tag added in dependent view; dependent & primary view already placed on sheet
You have a dependent and primary view; both have been previously placed on a sheet. You then add a tag in the dependent view and it shows in both views. Revit links the Referencing Sheet parameter that first appears in the sort order since the views are placed on sheets already. You wish to only show the tag in the dependent view so you hide it in the primary view by highlighting the tag > right-click, Hide in View > Elements.
In this one scenario you may notice the Referencing Sheet parameter still lists the primary view sheet. You can make the tag regenerate and check all view visibilities by making a slight change to it. I recommend highlighting the tag > moving it up with the up arrow and then moving it back with the down arrow. The Referencing Sheet parameter should list the dependent view after the slight change.