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June 11, 2010


Dennis Nelson

I had posted this same question to AUGI about a month ago. The reason I need to delete the most recent list is that when I work out of the office on my laptop, Revit will take for ever to load. It was also taking a long time to bring up the "R" when I clicked on it. The reason was it was trying to find all recent documents on our network drives, which were connected any more. After clearing the list things were back to normal.


This is helpful when developing training videos to maintain consistency in the screen views, particularly when taking a break in the middle of developing a lesson to work on another project. Not too happy about losing paths though. Is it okay to "swap" INI files? I.E., keep a default one with default recents + custom paths, and use this to replace the current one when I need to revert?


Update... I moved the INI file and restarted Revit (a couple times) and noticed no new INI file in the ...\program folder, but all recents files were definitely cleared out. I then opened the original INI file I had moved, cleared out the recent files, saved it, and returned it to the ...\program folder. I then relaunched Revit, and all recent file history was still absent as in the previous load, including the recents page, but all paths and other settings were back intact.

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