I want to include a few uses for Reporting Parameters and doors below. Please feel free to add some comments with any other good examples you may have utilized!
Door Frame Updates Based on Wall Width
You can utilize the reporting parameter in a formula to drive the dimension of hosted family geometry, such as a door frame depth \ width.
First in the door family, add a dimension and label parameter to the wall thickness, set > Instance & Reporting Parameter. Then add a dimension and label to your frame geometry. Lastly you can use the wall thickness reporting parameter in a formula to drive the frame depth as needed.
Display Wall Thickness in Door Schedule
Expanding on the above example, if you utilize a shared parameter for the WallThickness parameter we can include the wall thickness in a project door schedule.
Because family parameters cannot appear in schedules or tags we can instead utilize a shared parameter.
After WallThickness is created as a shared parameter, it can be utilized in the same manner as the first example. After loading the door family into the project, we can add a door schedule. The corresponding wall thickness will now appear as a field we can include in our door schedule.
You can also use reporting parameters in curtain panel doors to control door panel width and height of nested door panels
Posted by: Ant | October 05, 2010 at 05:16 AM