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October 01, 2010


Chris Hubbard


I know this is the first release for this, but many of these seem like steps backward. Notification is one that we see as critical especially when over a WAN. Many companies block IM so that may not be a solution.

Since many people use the borrow function, how do users edit elements that are in other users worksets? Has borrowing been disabled in the server?

Robert Manna


I'm surprised that your own company does not have internal IM. On top of that I would highly recommend for anyone attempting a collaborative project between multiple offices that the team needs IM. Our teams regularly rely on IM to facilitate communication about the Model and Project, particularly when working across offices. Phone is not good enough because it can be disruptive and is "synchronous", e-mail is too "asynchronous", therefore the sweet spot is some type of IM client, particularly one with chat rooms and group history (like Skype). Something like Skype is even more critical if you are collaborating live with other firms on the same project.

Regarding borrowing, yes you can still borrow elements, but if you run into overlap the other person will need to SWC and you will need to reload.

You'll also note that in the blog-o-sphere the word "Bluestreak" has come up in relation to Rvt Server. Hopefully your company does not block that site too.

Joel Osburn

I applaud the first step taken, but it leaves me waiting for what the next step will be.

For us, the use case that desperately needs solving is that of staff working from home (or other location). In this case, working on a Revit model via a vpn, is simply too slow. A server managing permissions could potentially reduce the network usage to make this viable, and would be a big deal for us. But needing a server at both ends is not tenable for out-of-office users.

I know this is an issue for other firms as well as ours, so I hope that it is on Autodesk's to-do list. Rdp sessions to computers within the office are a poor substitute for working on your local machine, especially when your local model has all the information needed.

Brian Renehan

I'm very interested to know how the system deals with linked rvt files and linked non-revit native files, i.e. dwg, skp and sat files.
Also, does the drive mapping in each local office need to be the same?

Brian Renehan

My above questions have been answered by Robert here:


Would Revit Server work with consultant models? I can imagine instant messaging a consultant to move a light fixture, mechanical duct, etc. Coordination issues could be fixed on the spot and we could see changes instantly.

Harlan Brumm

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the great feedback and comments.

Robert, we really appericate the comments about using IM tools on a large project. Its great to hear about using the tools in the world. I am sure our reader apperciate the insight.

As for Revit Server with consultants, I would think the trick would be getting them setup a local server on your domain so that they can access your central server. I am not sure how the permissions would work, but I am not sure if you would want to be able to give your consultants access to your network and server. If you could though, I don't see why they couldn't act as just another office working on the model.

Curious to see what anyone else thinks.

Thanks again for all the comments :)

Robert Manna

Re: working with consultants, attend (or watch at a later date) my AUv course this year.

I can't give away all my secrets on blogs and fourms, right! :-)


Editors note: This comment has been removed as solicitation.


Security, How's secure of the connection between Local server and Central Server? I.e. Virus, Malware infection, etc.

Required Windows Sever 2008 only? How's bout other Windows product like Windows 7 or XP? Most of the contractors don't have or can afford Windows server 2008.

Richard Fielt

We've done some testing @ABT in the Netherlands. Our company exists of multiple offices, each ofcourse with their own IP-subdomain. Master en local servers works great within/between our offices.

However, we've been trying to connect another local server to a master server located at an architects office over internet. It's impossible to connect from Revit to this second local server that resides on the same subdomain as where our own master server is located...

Can anyone tell if there is a solution for this situation?

Thanks in Advance,
Richard Fielt,
ABT, The Netherlands.

Richard Fielt

In relation to the post above, some additional info about the used IP domains. I really hope that some-one could tell me if it's possible or absolutely not (yet?)

For 'internal use' we installed a CS in IP-subnet ( and a LS in IP-subnet ( for two of our three offices. That works just fine (ofcourse).

But.. we also installed an LS on IP-subnet (, same as our internal MS) which connects to a CS over internet (collaboration with external architect). This LS can't find the external MS..

Maybe you've got a hint with which we can make this work? Thanks in advance for your reply!

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