Quick scenario you may have encountered…
You have a floor plan view containing callout views. You have previously adjusted the callout head tag location. When you duplicate the view as dependent, the new dependent view callout heads appear at the default location.
Datum elements and section \ callout elements appearance can vary between the primary and dependent views. This behavior is in place to accommodate conditions such as around a matchline, where the callout head location may need to be adjusted between the two views.
However the element types can have varying behavior when new dependent views are created. I wanted to organize the most common scenarios below:
The callout tag location can vary between the primary and dependent view. If you modify the tag location, and then duplicate as dependent, the new dependent view callout orientation will be located at the default horizontal. From there you can always adjust the location between views as needed.
The section tag and tail location can vary between the primary and dependent view. In this case if you modify the head or tail location and then duplicate the view as dependent, the new dependent view will match the same location as the original view.
From there you can always adjust the location between views as needed.
Reference Planes \ Grids \ Levels
Datum elements such as reference planes, grids and levels can vary between dependent and primary views as long as they are set to 2D Extents. Otherwise a 3D Extents datum element will appear the same between the primary and dependent view.
If a view contains 2D Extents elements, and is duplicated as dependent, the new dependent view will match the location[s] of the original view. From there you can adjust the location between views as needed.