One of the enhancements included in Revit MEP 2011 to help improve overall performance was a settting to turn off the electrical load calculations for spaces. You can get to this settng by clicking on the Manage tab, selecting Electrical Settings under the MEP Settings pull-down, and highlighting the Load Calculations heading.
When the calculations are turned off, the electrical loads are reported as "Not computed", and since the calculations are not constantly updating in the background, users should note an improvement in performance.
The purpose of this post is to emphasize that this setting is turned off by default in the templates delivered with 2011. Why is it important to be aware of? Well, we have received a few cases where a user will place light fixtures in their project, generate a lighting analysis schedule for spaces, and discover that the Actual Lighting Load is reporting a zero value. Some users assume that the light fixture must be outside the space or placed incorrectly. After reviewing the model, it turns out that the load calculations were turned off in the Electrical Settings. As you can see from the images below, as soon as the "Run calculations for loads in spaces" is turned on, the loads show up in the schedule.
Schedule above reports zero values, until run calculations button is turned on......
So, in summary, if the electrical loads are not reporting the correct values, verify that the calculations are enabled, before assuming that the model is incorrect.