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March 04, 2011


Account Deleted

This is S.Kamalanathan.

I have to cross check the following task.
1. Start Export -> CAD Formats-> DWG file in Revit Menu.
2. Select DWG Properties tab.
3. Press ... button.
4. Change the layer for Walls -> Finish1 [4]
5. Press OK button and continue the Export operation.

Please clarify that how can I check the above task.

Please note that I am very new To Revit. I tried the above task with MEP 2011 sample file "rme_advanced_sample_project.rvt", but i am unable to check the output for its correctness.

Paul Aubin

Thanks for the post. I have witnessed this before myself. I was reading hoping you would reveal why this occurs. IS this a limitation of Shared Families? Is it limited to certain categories? Do you know "why" this limitation exists and if it is on the radar for a fix someday? Thanks.

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