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November 09, 2011



I'm sorry. But I/we see this issue on a daily basis, with all Win7 - 64 bit machines on a Revit server. So that it only occurs in mixed environments is not true - even if your not able to recreate.
Sadly the files sometimes "corrupts" during this hiccup, and the only solution is to create a new central file. This is of course something that I have communicated with support about, without getting closer to a solution.

Ryan Duell

This post specifically deals with a non-Revit Server environment. For Revit Server and this dialog, you can find additional information at the link below:


Thank you


Thanks Ryan. Missed that it was only in a non-Server environment (but have still seen the error way to often, before we went Server, on all XP or Win7 etc.).
That said.. The troubleshoot regarding the Server, is a solution that we have tried but failed to see do any difference, sending in server logs and all that. So supports solution was basically "do a new Central when it happens". Just sayin'.. :)


We get this in an all win 7 64 environment, and we don't have revit server. Have asked others offices and they've reported it too. Haven't seen corruption and a need to recreate central file though.


Would working in windows XP mode be a soln for those on windows 7?


I have been getting this error the last couple of days and I am the only Revit user in the office and the files are on my local machine.

Timothy Gross

Has anyone actually put a packet analyzer on this? I've seen this post copied all over the web and I think there's something more to it.

I'm on Windows 7 x64 SP1, with Revit MEP2012, sp1, talking to a Windows Server 2008r2 host. I haven't done anything in particular at either end to mess around with SMB traffic.

I put Wireshark on my NIC to capture the SMB traffic from my Revit client. It's all v1, not v2.

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