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March 15, 2012


Laura Coomber

Do you have any idea why we would be seeing this same behavior even though the user holding on to the sheet(s) has not even been in the model?

Ryan Duell

Do you know if this user has ever been in the model? If they did at some point become the sheet borrower, and then since closed out but did not relinquish the sheet view workset, they would hold onto it indefinitely.

Otherwise, if this was not the case, does this message occur when a user attempts to open the model or during normal activity in the model?

Rahul Shah

I have had similar issues as Laura. The user was not even part of the project team but when we try to create new workset, for example, it says so and so user owns something and rejects creating new workset until we ask that user to open model and STC or we change username and open ourselves and STC. Very bizzare!

Laura Coomber

This is a reoccurring issue that we are having with several sheets in several models. Daily there is a user holding on to the sheet(s) that has not been in the model. It may be the same user for several days, although it is not always the same user. Our users holding on to the sheets are not in the model, but working in a linked model. We haven’t had any problems with a user holding on to the sheet that is outside of the project. Daily they either get in and relinquish or someone changes their user name to relinquish them.

The error message can occur when a user is opening the model, or during a sych with central. We have seen both.

Laura Coomber

We were able to get rid of our errors by rehosting all keynotes, dimensions, etc. to something live in our model on the problem sheets. No annotations hosted by a linked model. We rehosted all of the annotations in all of the views on any sheet that was giving us the error.

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