For multi-segment grids you could potentially have several grid segments [of the same gridline] perpendicular to an elevation \ section view. As with standard grids, when a datum element is perpendicular to the view by default it will display.
For example, if you have a multi-segment grid in plan similar to this shape the elevation view would display the following:
If you run into this scenario and do not want to show both grid segments you can utilize the View Properties > Far Clipping. If the elevation \ section far clipping point terminates before the second perpendicular gridline it would not display in the view:
How to create a multi segment grid?
Posted by: Deborah Qian | May 30, 2012 at 12:27 PM
New feature in Revit 2013. Grid > Multi-Segment.
Posted by: Ryan Duell | May 30, 2012 at 12:51 PM