I want to update and elaborate on our previous post:
When Adding a Keynote Tag the User Borrows a Sheet Workset
For Revit 2013 or earlier there are 2 common scenarios where sheet view worksets can be borrowed working with keynotes or revisions. The first was mentioned in the original post:
- There is a sheet in the project A101.
- Several project views have been placed on this sheet.
- UserA is in one of the views that appear on sheet A101. UserA has not opened or edited sheet A101 directly.
- In this view UserA adds a keynote.
- Because this view appears on sheet A101, Revit needs to borrow the view workset for sheet A101 to update keynote data. There could also be a keynote legend on this sheet for example.
- If UserB attempts to add a keynote to one of these views before UserA syncs with central & relinquishes they would receive the expected “Can’t edit the element until UserA…” message.
The second is applicable only for Revit 2012 \ 2013, where tagging linked model geometry with keynotes is possible:
- There is a host model containing a Revit link.
- Keynotes are added (in the host) attached to link geometry.
- At some point the link geometry changes (such as deleting a wall) causing the keynote tag to become orphaned.
- When a keynote tag is orphaned, it is removed from keynote legends when filtering by sheet.
- The next user to create a new local file, or reload the link will load those changes (which orphans the keynote tag). This in turn borrows every sheet view workset that tag previously appeared in.
For Revit 2013 or earlier the original post provides some additional information around this behavior.
For Revit 2014 keynote and revision functionality has been improved. Sheet view worksets are no longer borrowed during the same process, which should give larger project teams additional flexibility (especially during documentation-heavy project phases).