We have a lot of this information in a number of places but I wanted to group it in one post. The following is a good process checklist to go through should you run into any Revit Server issues:
1. Installation \ Prerequisites
Ensure all requirements were set during the initial installation. There is a video documenting this process here.
2. Initial Troubleshooting Steps
Next, ensure the following items were verified in our original troubleshooting post here.
3. Revit Server and File & Printer Sharing Firewall Exception
Client workstations will be unable to see the Revit Server as active, which can generate an error if the Firewall is not configured properly. Please reference our previous post for the steps to verify here.
4. Can you manually browse?
Verify you can browse to each Revit Server from a client workstation. Such as navigating to:
5. DNS & VPN
Verify all Revit Servers and client workstations appear on the network DNS. Also verify if the Revit Servers are connected to the network via VPN. I have included a discussion group thread with some additional information and links here.
6. Verify Environment Variable is Correct
Verify the correct Revit Server name appears on the client workstation Environment Variable [under Computer properties > Advanced System Properties > Environment Variables > User Variables for %Username% > REVIT2011SERVER].
7. Revit Server Admin
From a client workstation, make sure you can connect to the Revit Server Admin.
For example, from Internet Explorer, browse to the following location:
8. Ping?
Verify that the client workstation and Revit Server can ping each other by both DNS name and IP Address.
9. Folder Permissions
Verify the Windows Security Groups for the Revit Server Cache, Projects and TempRepository folders.
All locations should contain the Creator Owner group. If a folder does not contain this group it needs to be added in order for Revit Server to properly write files in these locations. Verify that the Creator Owner group has full control / full access to the folder. By default configuration they are installed at C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit Server\.
10. W3wp.exe Created & Owner
When a workstation attempts to connect to a Revit Server from inside Revit, a w3wp.exe process should be created in the Windows Task Manager on the Revit Server. To test this, on the Revit Server end any w3wp.exe processes listed. Then have a workstation attempt to connect to Revit Server from inside Revit.
This should create a new w3wp.exe process if the workstation can communicate with the server. Take a note of the User Name it is created under for future troubleshooting.